Attachment Style Quiz

Attachment Style Quiz

What Are Attachment Styles?

Attachment styles refer to the way a person approaches relationships with others. A person’s attachment style is formed in childhood based on the relationships they had with early caregivers. These early relationships form how a person views themselves in relation to others. Mainly, attachment style relates to how much anxiety and avoidance a person experiences in relationships. Below is a quick quiz to identify which of the 4 attachment styles you have- secure, anxious, avoidant, and anxious-avoidant (also called disorganized).

attachment style quiz

Quiz Instructions

  • This attachment style quiz takes about 15 minutes to complete and does not store your data.
  • If you are in a relationship, answer the questions about your current relationship with your partner and how you feel.
  • If you are not in a relationship, use experience from past relationships and other close relationships in your life (family, friends).
  • Answer honestly. This information can only help you and your partner grow a healthy and secure relationship through awareness.
  • This attachment style quiz does not serve as a diagnosis. (also, an attachment style is something that can change and is not in itself a “diagnosed condition”)

Attachment Style Quiz:

Attachment Style Quiz
1. I consider myself good at communicating and compromising in a relationship.
2. I have a very hard time letting go of a relationship.
3. I hate when others push physical affection on me.
4. I’m constantly worried that my partner is going to leave me.
5. Relationships with people (including friends and family) do not cause me a lot of emotional difficulty.
6. I push people away when they start to get too close. Intimacy makes me nervous.
7. I know that I am lovable and worthy of love.
8. I stop talking to and spending time with friends and family when I’m in a romantic relationship.
9. I’m proud that I’m self-sufficient and don’t need others.
10. I tend to lose myself in relationships and become more like the other person or who I think they want me to be.
11. I think people are essentially good and don’t have bad intentions towards me.
12. It’s hard for me to ask people for help when I need it because I like doing things on my own.
13. I am not burdened with the fear that my loved ones might abandon me.
14. I try to anticipate my partner’s needs and am hypersensitive to their moods.
15. Relationships with people are messy. I prefer to focus on things.
16. It’s easy for me to shift between time together and alone time in relationships.
17. I always put the needs of others before my own.
18. I need a lot of space and alone time and get angry when others impede that.
19. I feel comfortable expressing my own needs and feelings in relationships.
20. I feel like I can’t get as much love as I need from others.
21. It’s hard for me to connect with my emotions.
22. I feel comfortable being affectionate in a relationship.
23. I have a hard time saying no and setting boundaries.
24. I tend to get close to others only to push them away.
25. I mostly feel relaxed in a relationship.
26. I focus more on my relationships than on myself.
27. I feel trapped by social commitments.
28. I look forward to spending time with loved ones.
29. I like to spend all of my time with my partner and don’t enjoy being apart.
30. I keep people at a distance.
31. If my partner hurts my feelings, I’m comfortable expressing my feelings to them and trying to talk about it.
32. I deeply fear abandonment and ending up alone.
33. I hate having to depend on others.
34. When I argue with my partner, I find it easy to apologize, talk through the problem, and find a solution.
35. I’m always trying to fix other people’s problems for them.
36. I carefully guard my space, belongings, and privacy.
37. I find it easy to be vulnerable with someone I love.
38. I seem to care about others more than they care about me.
39. I prefer casual relationships over committed relationships.
40. I do not have trouble with setting boundaries.
41. I feel safer in a relationship when my partner relies on me.
42. I have a hard time receiving and accepting love (ex: receiving gifts or compliments).
43. When challenges arise in a relationship, I do not feel the urge to suddenly leave.
44. I sacrifice myself, my values, and my desires for others to keep the peace and make them happy.
45. I don’t care much about having close relationships in my life.

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