ENTP Description

Brief Description

Often called “the visionary” or “the inventor”, ENTPs are innovators who live in a world of infinite possibilities. They invent new ideas and systems to solve problems for the future and are frequently drawn to entrepreneurship, forging their own path and spending their time creating and discovering. ENTPs like to focus on ideas that are new and exciting, and they put great energy into them in the beginning but have trouble maintaining their interest and finishing their projects as new, more exciting possibilities present themselves. ENTPs are “big picture people” and can sometimes ignore important details in favor of looking at the possibilities. They enjoy bouncing ideas off of people to see if any stick and will often say things just to test the reactions of those around them. ENTPs are interested in learning about many subjects throughout their entire lives and never allow themselves to stagnate to the point that they appear to be all over the place or chaotic. ENTPs are also frequently seen as the ultimate devil’s advocate because of their love for intellectual sparring and discourse. They are naturally gifted communicators who excel at conversation, communicating with the masses, and explaining complex topics in a clear and concise manner. Because of this nature and their quick-wittedness, ENTPs are highly skilled in debate. However, they do not argue to win but do so for the fun of it. They are curious and investigative and like to brainstorm ideas and converse as a way to gain more perspectives and better understand things. ENTPs like to look at things from all possible angles and will delay judgment until they have properly seen enough sides.They like to pick apart arguments to see if they hold up logically or have any contradictions. They love banter, and because of their ability to see all sides of an argument, they can refute an argument before their opponent has had the chance to present it. ENTPs are naturally skeptical and rebellious and may annoy people by questioning sacred beliefs and traditions. For an ENTP, no subject is too sacred and everything is subject to analysis and negotiation. ENTPs are seen as charismatic by others for the ability to speak easily in front of a group, be witty, and mold themselves to the feelings of the group. However, ENTPs can feel emotionally detached and isolated even among a crowd. They can express themselves in an emotional way but are not, in fact, in touch with their own feelings. As a result, they often cannot form the kinds of connections that they really desire with people. They get caught between saying what they really think which is often regarded as harsh or dark and keeping the peace and harmony in their relationships. As a result, ENTPs often feel that they cannot be real with people because people do not like to hear the truth. When meeting someone new, ENTPs may test the person’s reactions to their humor or droplets of truth in order to test how authentically they can present themselves with this person. ENTPs are often funny and maintain a controlled and a dispassionate exterior in the delivery of their jokes. They are not sentimental and may at times appear cold yet mirthful. In relationships, ENTPs look for someone who will allow them to be themselves and to let them bounce ideas and say harsh truths. They want to be desired by a person and look for someone with high willpower and big plans for their lives. ENTPs often play the coquette and can go hot and cold with a partner before committing but once they do they are extremely loyal. For more on ENTP relationships and best romantic matches, check our ENTP Relationships page.

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