INTP Description

Brief Description

Often called “the logician” or “the architect”, INTPs are logical above all else and use deductive reasoning to form systems and discover underlying principles. They do not pursue knowledge for the sake of material gain or power but for the sake of knowledge itself. They do not care about credentials but rather what a person knows and what makes sense. For the INTP, they are ultimately interested in getting to the bottom of things in their great search for truth. They approach this search by observing the world, looking at all different perspectives, and thoroughly examining all sides before making a judgment. However, once they have determined what they think to be true, they can be very stubborn in their opinion. People who try to sway their opinion must show that they have thought about the issue in as great of depth as the INTP. Furthermore, the INTP’s great thirst for knowledge does not include motivation to manifest their knowledge in reality. Put simply, INTPs prefer thinking over doing. Outwardly, INTPs appear cool, calm, and even cold at times but with an excitable and mischievous underlying nature that enjoys dry humor. Though they can be indifferent and apathetic at times, INTPs are in fact caring towards other people but are insecure in their expression of emotion and care. They are loyal and supportive to those they care about and sometimes show this in the form of criticism in order to help people become better and to not make the wrong decisions. INTPs dislike sentiment and emotional appeals that take the place of rationality. For them, feelings are highly subjective and INTPs strive to be objective in their use of logic to make judgments. It does not matter to them how they feel about something but rather what is correct. Furthermore, INTPs are highly individualistic and independent in making their judgments and do not want to be influenced by others or to influence. They want to figure things out for themselves and to allow others to do so in return. Because INTPs understand underlying patterns and possibilities, people and things often become predictable for them, which causes them to lose interest. They are also often able to see what could happen in someone’s future before that person is aware, and so find themselves warning people about what could happen. They see that people around them are making bad decisions and going in the wrong direction which leads the INTP to be very pessimistic and responsible in making decisions for their own future. Additionally, the predictability of things causes INTPs to seek out new people and experiences. However, at the same time, they want to be comfortable in doing so. They like to explore but also enjoy routine and can have a hard time breaking away from their comfort zone and can get lazy. In relationships, INTPs look for someone who can make them comfortable but also is not predictable. They want a partner who is rational and will ask them what they think and now how they feel about things. INTPs may be wary about entering into relationships and clumsy in expressing their feelings for their partner. However, once they do they are extremely loyal and supportive. For more on INTP relationships and best romantic matches, check our INTP Relationships page.

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