INTJ Description

Brief Description

Often known as “the mastermind”, INTJs are future-oriented visionaries who use willpower and strategic planning to manifest their visions in reality. They are able to see the possibilities for themselves in their futures and develop the ultimate strategies to go after what they want as the masters of their own fate. As highly rational thinkers, INTJs spend much of their time researching and sifting through data to develop intellectual insights and find patterns. They are quick in doing so and can develop a fast mastery over any subject. However, INTJs do not research for pure curiosity and exploration so much as that they do so while always keeping their goals in mind. They are interested in the acquisition of knowledge as power which they can wield over their environment. INTJs gather objective data from many sources in order to make judgments and understand how systems work. They often view life as a game or series of games that can be won if the system is understood. So, INTJs are interested in gaining a superior understanding of how underlying systems work in order to develop more efficient systems for advancing towards their goals. They are extremely driven in their pursuit of useful knowledge that can help them achieve their vision, and they are quick moving and have a tunnel vision approach when working towards a singular focus. INTJs sometimes may be lazy about starting a project, but once they commit, nothing can stop them. They can frequently be found working well into the night and are notorious for having irregular sleeping schedules. As a result of their intense willpower that finds a way to overcome any obstacle, INTJs are often very high achieving individuals. For INTJs, status and reputation are highly important, and they enjoy the power that knowledge and credentials give them. However, INTJs are usually not interested in becoming leaders, especially in social situations. INTJs are among the least comfortable of the 16 personality types when it comes to navigating social norms. On the exterior, they seem well composed, calm, and unassuming, but they are uncomfortable among a crowd and can come off as awkward and commit social faux pas. INTJs are insecure about how they appear to others and so choose not to engage rather than to put themselves in an awkward position. Though INTJs are dispassionate and show a limited range of emotions, they keep a very close inner circle of loved ones for whom they care deeply. The same is true of the values that they hold close to them. INTJs are highly individualistic in their values and what they feel is right, and they do not conform to the feelings of the group. While they are often portrayed as cold and unfeeling, the core of the INTJ feels extremely deeply, but they choose not to share that side of themselves with people outside of their trusted circle. However, it is this deep feeling core with its conviction, passion, and desire that fuels the intense drive of the INTJ. In relationships, INTJs need their partner to be loyal to them in order for them to feel comfortable. INTJs are suspicious of the intentions of others, but once they trust someone and bring them into their small inner circle, they are likely there for life. They are extremely selective with whom they get close, but once they find that person, INTJs form relationships of incredible depth and will do anything for those that they love. For more on INTJ relationships and best romantic matches, check our INTJ Relationships page.

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